Thursday, October 23, 2008

Here I am!

My name is Federick Brooks, but to friends, I am know simply as "Fed". As a common misconception, most people want to call me "Frederick", so to correct the mispronunciation of my beautiful God given name, I just "KISS" (Keep It Simple Stupid/Silly). This is my first attempt at blogging, so bear with me, or just don't read it. Here is a quick down and dirty about me: I was born in Texas, two older siblings, twin brother, five younger siblings, married, one kid, and living life.

Allow me to eloborate on my family situation. My mother had four kids, my father had seven. My twin brother and I are the youngest of my mom's, but the oldest of my dads. In September, I just celibrated my two year wedding anniversay. My wife and son are the most precious things in the world to me.

Currently, I am serving in the United States Marine Corps, stationed at Quantico, VA. Virginia is cool, but not home to me. I don't really have a lot of hobbies, but being that I am very competitive, I am a sports nut.

As I previously mentioned, this is my first blog. It's for my English 112 class. Feel free to comment, critique, critize, etc. Believe me, I have thick skin, and an even smarter mouth.


Melissa said...

So far you have a nice blog! I am looking forward to reading further posts in your blog.
Your Classmate,

Kathy said...

Hi Fed,

Your blog is very creative and entertaining. You will do well in this class.

Your classmate,

Julie P.Q. said...

Hey Fed,
Great introduction. I can't wait to read your blog...and the visuals here are just outstanding. You have a very catchy writing style and visual style, too. Impressive!